Archive for category Ontario

Adventures on the road: Niagara Falls (while en route to New York)

Quick note, as Dave and I are driving across North America:

LNew York 003

I’m on book tour right now, promoting the book Hai kur mamashu chis, indigenous tales from the Yagan people of southern Patagonia, which I translated to English. Dave and I flew in to Toronto, spent a week visiting family (and doing a promo show downtown) before driving out for the rest of the tour.

First stop: New York City! Here we are, on the way… we stopped at Niagara Falls. A week in the car means that we’ll be doing a lot less running that unsual… but the beauty of running is that we can do it anywhere! We are in New York until Tuesday (my presentation here is at the Explorer’s Club is Monday night) when we set off for a four-day drive to Regina, with more book events there, as well as in Calgary and Vancouver. (The book link above lists all of the tour dates and venues).

We sure hope to have time to break up our long driving days with some runs… and will post them here if we do!

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Dave and Jackie eat!

I found this random photo of Jackie and I having dinner on top the CN tower after I returned from a trip to Chile for Lifesupport.


We jokingly thought that we should have a blog called ‘Dave and Jackie drinks!’

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Running in Ontario: Guelph Lake and TransCanada Trail (Caledon East area)

Look how many trails there are!

I’m just back from a one-week trip visiting family in Ontario. This is a great thing about running – not much equipment needed. It’s something you can keep up while travelling. As opposed to other sports, like swimming or cycling – where you need to either get to a specific place (a gym or a pool) or need a lot of equipment (bike, kayak…).  Although I was a bit worried this time – my knee is still not 100% healed after my spontaneous decision to run the Victoria Marathon last month.

First stop was Guelph, visiting my dad. I knew there was a river with a trail beside it about 1 km from his seniors home. So I jogged down to check it out – and was very pleased to find that there was a whole network of mountain biking trails in there, along the river and through the forest and up to Guelph Lake! They are exactly the kind of trails that I love to run on – narrow rolling and winding dirt paths, meandering through the forest. I went for Read the rest of this entry »